How To Install Hping3 On Centos 6

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  1. Centos 6 Install Php
  2. Centos How To Install Software
  3. Install Centos 6.5
  4. How To Install Hping3 On Centos 6 Download
  5. How To Install Hping3 On Centos 6 Iso

How to install PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6 on CentOS 6 For the purpose of this guide, we will be operating the system as root, if that is not the case for you, make use of the sudo command to acquire root privileges. Feb 20, 2011  Hi, I am using RHEL 2.6.18-53.el5. I am having problem installing hping.After googling about installation of hping3 i found that 'libpcap-devel-0.9.4-1. How To Install Latest Nodejs and Npm on CentOS/RHEL 7/6. Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for building fast applications. Quick way to install node.js and NPM on Fedora 28,27,26,25,24,23,22 and CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5.

Active6 years, 4 months ago

I want to install mcrypt on CentOS 6.2, firstly I tried yum but it cannot fined the package, then downloaded source file of libmcrypt-2.5.8 compiled and installed it by following commands:

All of them successfully completed.

Then I downloaded mcrypt-2.6.8.tar.gz.
Now when I call ./configure it fails with the message:

How can I solve this?

Carl B
5,79212 gold badges40 silver badges60 bronze badges

1 Answer

Download mcrypt-2.6.8.tar.gz file

Extract the file using tar -zxvf mcrypt-2.6.8.tar.gz

Extracted files will be present under mcrypt-2.6.8 directory

Change to mcrypt-2.6.8 directory and run ./configure

Then it will give configure: error: *** libmcrypt was not found error

Now run yum install libmcrypt* after that run ./configure

you are done..

2,6429 gold badges45 silver badges62 bronze badges

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Centos 6 Install Php

Updated by LinodeWritten by Alex Fornuto

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MySQL is a popular database management system used for web and server applications. This guide will introduce how to install, configure and manage MySQL on a Linode running CentOS 6.

This guide is written for a non-root user. Commands that require elevated privileges are prefixed with sudo. If you’re not familiar with the sudo command, you can check our Users and Groups guide.

Before You Begin

  1. Ensure that you have followed the Getting Started and Securing Your Server guides, and the Linode’s hostname is set.

    To check your hostname run:

    The first command should show your short hostname, and the second should show your fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

  2. Update your system:

Install and Start MySQL

  1. Install MySQL and tell it which runlevels to start on:

  2. Then to start the MySQL server:

    MySQL will bind to localhost ( by default. Please reference our MySQL remote access guide for information on connecting to your databases using SSH.

Allowing unrestricted access to MySQL on a public IP not advised, but you may change the address it listens on by modifying the bind-address parameter in /etc/my.cnf. If you decide to bind MySQL to your public IP, you should implement firewall rules that only allow connections from specific IP addresses.

Harden MySQL Server

  1. Run the mysql_secure_installation script to address several security concerns in a default MySQL installation.

You will be given the choice to change the MySQL root password, remove anonymous user accounts, disable root logins outside of localhost, and remove test databases. It is recommended that you answer yes to these options. You can read more about the script in MySQL Reference Manual.

Using MySQL

The standard tool for interacting with MySQL is the mysql client which installs with the mysql-server package. The MySQL client is used through a terminal.

Root Login

  1. To log in to MySQL as the Root User:

  2. When prompted, enter the root password you assigned when the mysql_secure_installation script was run.

    You’ll then be presented with the MySQL monitor display:

  3. To generate a list of commands for the MySQL prompt, enter h. You’ll then see:

Create a New MySQL User and Database

  1. Install php apc ubuntu nginx root. In the example below, testdb is the name of the database, testuser is the user, and password is the user’s password.

    You can shorten this process by creating the user while assigning database permissions:

  2. Then exit MySQL.

Create a Sample Table

  1. Log back in as testuser.

  2. Create a sample table called customers. This creates a table with a customer ID field of the type INT for integer (auto-incremented for new records, used as the primary key), as well as two fields for storing the customer’s name.

  3. Then exit MySQL.

Reset the MySQL Root Password

If you forget your root MySQL password, it can be flushed and then reset.

  1. Stop the current MySQL server instance, then restart it with an option to not ask for a password.

  2. Reconnect to the MySQL server with the MySQL root account.

  3. Use the following commands to reset root’s password. Replace password with a strong password.

  4. Then restart MySQL.

You’ll now be able to log in again using mysql -u root -p.

Tune MySQL

MySQL Tuner is a Perl script that connects to a running instance of MySQL and provides configuration recommendations based on workload. Ideally, the MySQL instance should have been operating for at least 24 hours before running the tuner. The longer the instance has been running, the better advice MySQL Tuner will give.

Centos How To Install Software

  1. Download MySQL Tuner to your home directory.

  2. To run it:

    The output will show two areas of interest: General recommendations and Variables to adjust.

MySQL Tuner is an excellent starting point to optimize a MySQL server but it would be prudent to perform additional research for configurations tailored to the application(s) utilizing MySQL on your Linode.

Install Centos 6.5

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

How To Install Hping3 On Centos 6 Download

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How To Install Hping3 On Centos 6 Iso

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